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Shen Dove Style: Work Style: A Touch of Lace

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Work Style: A Touch of Lace

I found this skirt in Target on sale for $8 a few weeks ago and couldn't resist though I expect to see other people wearing it that I meet in real life. I've already seen a blogger or two sporting this skirt in stylish ways. But I can't resist a cheap (and stylish) deal from Target even if it means my look isn't 'original' as it is with thrifted or vintage items.

I hope to do some thrifting during the month of November to (inexpensively) check a few things off of my fall wish list which isn't completely fulfilled yet. I'm not a cheap person and have no problem spending money on quality items I'll have for years, but even I have random moments where I can't resist a deal...

Cardigan: H&M
Shirt: Banana Republic
Skirt: Target
Shoes: Zappos
Necklace: thrifted
Earrings: purchased in Mexico

Song currently on repeat: The Show Goes On by Lupe Fiasco



At October 28, 2010 at 9:22 AM , Blogger Melanie said...

Great styling!
I hate to tell you, but that skirt is now $4 at Target! I bought one yesterday but have to return it because it's too short on me. I wish it fit, though because it is adorable.

At October 28, 2010 at 9:34 AM , Blogger curls-and-pearls said...

I have such a soft spot for lace! I love that skirt, this whole outfit just screams "that girl is cool!"

At October 28, 2010 at 9:50 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I've seen that skirt on some other bloggers and I love it every time. Even though it is the same skirt, everyone wears it so differently. I love how you styled it with at great belt.

The Auspicious Life


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