Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Paint the Town Red

Shirt: thrifted; "Jeggings": UO; Boots: Go Jane; Belt/Bracelets: H&M; 
Necklace: Claire's: Earrings: ?

I was walking through my local drug store recently and decided to do something I've literally never done before, I bought a tube of lipstick. Cover Girl Queen Collection's Paint the Town Red to be specific.  That's not a big deal for most, but I literally never wear lipstick.  I could have five tubes of lip gloss in my purse at any given time, but no lipstick.  I have the slight fear of looking like a kid playing in make-up.  I'm still not sure if I'm feeling red lipstick enough to wear it regularly, but you've gotta shake things up make-up wise here and there right? I think next time, I'll go for a less bright color in the plum family though. Now to conquer my fear of incorrectly applying smoky eye make-up...



  1. Love, this outfit....A little pop of Red~~

  2. I did the exact same thing today! And I never ever wear lipstick. OH. mY. I looked in the mirror, and I wondered who the hell was looking back?! It's for my new job in DC -- I start on Monday. Maybe we can do a meet up at some point. :-)

  3. I wish I have the nerve to wear red lipstick.

  4. Good luck with your new job!  We can certainly meet up at some point : ) If you intend to go to any fashion events in the area, let me know and I'll do the same.

  5. You did a wonderful job with the red lipstick and make-up is all about having fun. You just have to find what works best for you. 

    Love this outfit, especially the wide red belt and little booties! 
