Friday, September 30, 2011

DIY: What Color Should I Dye My Skirt?

My shopping budget is tapped out at the moment, and it's just as well because I need to start saving my pennies for my 2012 travel budget anyway.  Since I can't shop, I figured that it was time to take a  look at my clothing and see if I could give any of my items a new lease on life.  I decided that I love the shape and fit of the Forever21 skirt seen below, but I'm not in love with the color, so it's now a candidate for dying.

White Skirt

I was inspired by Megan Nielsen to try my first attempt at dying several months ago and it's pretty easy but I haven't made time to dye or overdye any other items. Here are a few swatches from RIT Dye website that I'm considering:

What Color Should I Dye My Skirt

So readers, I'll ask you what color should I choose?


  1. Oooh, I really like that teal color.... but teh interwebs are saying that orange is "the" color of the fall season, so.... I don't know.  :)

    I can't wait to see how it turns out!  I've never been brave (or creative) enough to dye an article of clothing before.

  2. That orange is bonkers -- you'd get so much mileage out of that classic, sunny color. I vote orange!

  3.  i'd go for the teal or blue...! 

  4. definitely the  orange or denim blue! im not crazy about the green.

  5. I choose the orange!!!!  Perfect for all seasons!

  6. Hi Shen,

    I vote for the Sunshine Orange - a warm yet fun mood enhancer and looks great with camel, the color for the fall season!

    Can't wait to see the final results!

    Eco-fashionably yours,


  7. I'd go for orange, but I have been in a seriously orange mood lately. Especially with the fall weather! 

  8. I'm seeing a lot of responses for orange!  I'm for it, but also put in a vote for the teal color!  =P  

  9. I'm between the teal and sunshine orange.  Can't wait to see which one you choose!

    Closet Confections - A Sweet Little Fashion Blog

  10. I like the teal, but that orange would be super sassy.

  11. Hmmm...Kelly Green or Orange! 
