Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Reading List

fall reading list

For me, the change in seasons means another seasonal book list since I love setting goals and making lists.  Here are four books I plan to read this fall:

Fashion 2.0.: Blogging Your Way to the Front Row - The Insider's Guide to Turning Your Fashion Blog into a Profitable Business and Launching a New Career, Vol. 1 by Yuli Ziv.  After reading about this author over at Stylish Thought, I decided to add this book to my reading list.  Business, blogging and fashion are three interests I've had for a while, so I thought it would be interesting to read Yuli's advice.

One Day It Will All Make Sense by Common.  I've been a fan of Common's music since the 90's when he went by the Common Sense moniker. Since I also enjoy reading memoirs, I decided to add this book to my list.  Common was recently in DC for a book signing at a restaurant/bookstore called Busboys and Poets, I'm a little bummed I didn't hear about it until it was too late to attend. Oh well. I'll still read the book and maybe get a copy signed another time.

Green is the New Black: How to Change the World With Style by Tasmin Blanchard. One of my eco-conscious friends gave me this book and since I don't know very much about sustainable fashion practices, I'll definitely read it this fall.

The Science of Black Hair: A Comprehensive Guide to Textured Hair Care by Audrey Davis-Sivasothy.  I first read about this book over at Mane and Chic, and it sounded like an interesting read.  Though I've never had chemicals in my hair, I feel that I still have a lot to learn about natural hair care and the science behind it, so I'll start by reading this book.

What do you plan to read this fall?

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