Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Yellow on a Cloudy Day

Top: Gap; Skirt: F21; Shoes: Target; Bag: thrifted; Watch: Francesa's; 
Bracelets: gift/H&M; Earrings: H&M

I was feeling sunshiny today despite the clouds and sporadic rain. Sometimes it's necessary to bring your own sunshine along with you when nature doesn't provide it.

outfit detail 8-3-11


This skirt is officially "safe" for the season.  I have a rule I'm pretty at good sticking to, that if I haven't worn a piece of clothing (except a few sentimental pieces) during the season, that I have to give it away.  It helps me to keep my closet in check and make sure I'm actually wearing the clothing I buy.  Do you have any "wardrobe rules" you try to stick to?

Currently reading: Creative Inc. by Joy Deangdeelert Cho and Meg Mateo Ilasco


  1. Oh, you said wardrobe rules that you STICK to. Then no, no I don't. Only rules I don't stick to. :)

    You look lovely! Yellow on a cloudy day is perfect.

  2. That's a lovely outfit, you look great!

  3. Love that skirt! I'm glad you're keeping it. The whole outfit looks so fresh and cool and is inspiring me to try tucking in more of my t-shirts.

  4. That's one way to brighten up a cloudy day! You look beautiful and chic.

  5. Thanks lady! 

    Oh yeah, it is always tricky to actually stick to rules : )
