Friday, August 5, 2011

Olive Green

Dress: UO; Shoes: Target; Clutch: purchased in Bahamas; Belt: from a F21 skirt; 
Earrings: ?; Watch: Francesca's

Hello friends!  This week really flew by so fast!  I'm hoping the weekend goes by slower than the week has. I don't really consider green to be "my color" and I gravitate more to red (and occasionally yellow) these days, but it was nice to switch up my usual choices with this olive green dress.


On another note, I've been thinking about the direction of the blog these days because frankly, as much as I love sharing my outfits with you all, I would like to talk about more than what I'm wearing on a given day and so I'll ask you lovely readers: what would you like to see more on the blog?  Style profiles, local fashion event coverage, interviews of local designers and business owners, book reviews, DIY projects, styling ideas and style questions answered, something not mentioned?  Please let me know in the comments!

Happy Friday!


  1. I adore this look! The cut is so flattering.
    Hmm, what I'd like to see more off.  I would love to see daily life posts, local fashion event coverage, and book reviews! I'm always looking for new books and love when someone else has done the work :D

  2. I always shy away from dresses or shirts with chest pockets but you seem to be working it!
    I'd actually want to know more about you so, book reviews, makeup reviews, basically anything else that you're passionate about would be cool to read.

  3. Oh, duh, natural hair tips would be nice!

  4. Olive green was a nice switch up and the cut is perfect. I love mandarin collars on dresses!

    Maybe you can do more style profiles, styling ideas, style questions and DIY projects! Overall I enjoy the post you feature already!!  ;)

  5. Thanks lady! I can definitely post more frequently about all of those things!  I love talking about books especially so I'll def plan to have more book reviews.

  6. I could def talk about natural hair more : )

  7. Thanks lady! I'll def do more posts on all of the things mentioned!

  8. Ohh nice dress!  A little bit safari chic!  I think you should do whatever you feel  is best with blog content, but I admit I always enjoy local fashion event coverage and interview of local designers. 

  9. can i just say that u always have THE BEST/CUTEST shoes! :) i love the Target wedges you're wearing but i cant seem to find which ones these are. Were they bought recently? Also, I'd love some book reviews! xox

  10. You look great in neutrals!  This dress reminds me that I have one like it ... somewhere ...

  11. You look great in neutrals!  This dress reminds me that I have one like it ... somewhere ... 
