Friday, February 4, 2011

4 of 30: Green is the color of money (& my skirt)

This shade of green is a color I rarely wear, but I couldn't resist this flared skirt with pockets purchased right after the holidays.

I heart skirts with pockets.

I am still not sure how I'll remix this skirt as the 30 for 30 progresses, but I'll think of something.


I'm happy the weekend is here! I'm hoping to complete tasks that never seem to get done during the week like my taxes...

Oh the joys of being an adult, I didn't know how good I had it a few years ago when I was a college student and could rely on my Dad to get my taxes done for me. Such is life.


Have a fun, relaxing weekend!

Shirt: H&M
Skirt: H&M
Shoes: Target
Cardigan: Forever 21

Necklace: vendor at Eastern Market

30 for 30 items

Currently listening to: "The Way You Are" By Zap Mama Featuring Bilal


  1. I think you could easily pair it with your striped tee that you have in the mix. If you want to be a bit more daring, it might be cute worn over the blue dress. It's hard for me to tell the precise colors by looking at your pics, but you might also be able to mix it with the leopard print top, or put the black tee and white fur-collared vest with it. Hope that helps inspire some creative mixing! :)

  2. you'll totally figure out how to remix that skirt, because it's awesome! seriously. the color and the pockets make it practically perfect in every way. :) great ensemble here.
    -brittney (fellow remixer)

  3. I love these type of skirts!! It looks great on you and I love the color!

  4. I love skirts with pockets too :) And also black and green. Definitely going to have to try out this color combo!

  5. This is such a cute skirt:) I love the green with black accents.

  6. Anything with pockets and I'm sold! I love the skirt!

  7. I love that skirt, I think the green color is really pretty! I love to stick my hands in skirt pockets, if what I'm wearing doesn't have any sometimes I feel a little odd.

  8. Oh, that skirt will be so easy for you to remix. When I read your title, I was scrolling down expecting to see a too bright, ridiculous green. This shade is lovely and muted. I have no worry that you will be able to use this again and again.

    The Auspicious Life

  9. Those are great suggestions, I'll definitely keep those in mind for later on in the challenge.

  10. Thanks! Skirts with pockets are way up on my list of favorite clothing items.

    I'll be sure to check out your remixes!

  11. Thanks! They are practical and flattering for petites like us : )

  12. I love skirts w pockets 2, & I have that skirt as well! Love the blog!
