Thursday, February 3, 2011

3 of 30: Early Valentine


I received an early valentine from a complete stranger today…yeah I thought it was a bit strange too. Let me start at the beginning. There is an older gentleman that sells flowers and seasonal wares (holiday stuff around Christmas time, Valentine’s Day stuff close to Valentine’s Day, etc.) near my job that always says hello to me; so to be polite, I say hello back. I really try to speak to people that take the time to speak to me, as long as they don’t seem overly creepy or violate my personal space. Treat others the way you want to be treated right? So when I passed flower/candy guy today he says, “Wait, I want to give you this because I won’t be around next week,” and hands me this Valentine's Day card (in plastic). I should also mention that since the card was encased in plastic that it was blank, but I think that's besides the point.

I don't normally accept gifts from strangers, but since I have to pass this gentleman every day en route to work and he didn’t ask me for anything in return, I smiled said thank you and took the card. I appreciate thoughtful gestures, even one’s from total strangers that are slightly weird... but nice.


Blazer: Macy's (Boy's Section)
Shirt: H&M
Skirt: Gap
Shoes: Marshall's
Dove Necklace: Forever 21

30 for 30 items

Currently listening to: Corrine Bailey Rae: The Love E.P.


  1. that is a little weird... but i guess since it was blank it's not so bad lol now if there were a long love note... that would be an entirely different story!

    Love your look! The skirt is amazing <3

  2. That yellow skirt is wonderful!
    I love that the man appreciates your kindness enough to think of you (and preplan his gift). It's out of the ordinary, yes, but it's sweet. And it speaks volume about you.

    The Auspicious Life

  3. I love how you dressed up that skirt, it's amazing. The whole outfit is so striking! I'm a big fan of wearing monochromatic pieces with a splash of colour. so wonderful.

  4. Ha ha I definitely agree with you, that's why I mentioned that it was a blank But I appreciated the kindness of the gesture.

    And thanks, I heart this skirt : )

    It's another item that instantly cheers me up when I wear it.

  5. Thanks! I clearly love the color yellow : )

    I thought it was a nice gesture though it was definitely out of the ordinary.

  6. It's always a little disconcerting to accept gifts from strangers but it's kind of nice too. As for your outfit, great pop of color with the skirt and the bird necklace adds a whimsical touch! =)

  7. I love the necklace!! And I really like the black and yellow together - and as I typed that out, now that song is stuck in my head LOL!

    New follower here, looking forward to seeing how you restyle your 30 items!
