Sunday, February 6, 2011

5 of 30: Color fluke


The outdoor outfit pictures I envisioned didn't happen because of Saturday's rain.

It's kind of weird that I'm wearing colors very close to the Pittsburgh Steeler's colors on Superbowl weekend because though I don't really have anything against them, I don't root for them, I am from Philly after all. It was a complete fluke, whoops...

I still like this outfit regardless of what people would say about me in my hometown because of the colors I'm wearing.

Regardless of what team you're rooting for, enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Shirt: Target
Shirt: H&M
Shorts: Urban Outfitters
Boots: Timberland via Lucky
Tights: Forever 21

30 for 30 items


  1. I'm sure you are sick of me saying we are rooting for the Steelers. But we are. So this is a wonderful outfit for me to see this morning. Of course, it would be a wonderful outfit anyway, because you are rocking some wonderful tights with those shorts.

    The Auspicious Life

  2. Great outfit, so jealous that you can rock the tights and shorts look - that would look ridiculous on me :P Happy Sunday!

  3. Eh, who cares about the teams, I just want some chips and dip. :)

    You look adorable in your shorts and tights!

  4. the yellow is great here! and i like how you grayscaled the background to make an indoor photo look artsy. nicely done!

  5. Thanks! These tights are of surprisingly good quality considering that they were from Forever 21.

    To be honest, Steeler's colors are a bit more flattering than Eagles green though I would have worn it with pride if they had made it all the way to the Superbowl...

  6. Thanks, but I totally think you could pull off the shorts : )

    Happy Sunday to you too!

  7. Thanks! Shorts are now my new weekend 'uniform.'

    I'm with you on the chips and and dip, snacks are half the fun of watching football : )

  8. Thanks! I thought the other colors were competing with my outfit so I decided that they didn't need to be in the photo : )
