Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thoughts on First 31 Days of Project 365

First 31 days of Project 365

As a daily habit to implement in 2011, I decided in January that I would attempt to document my year through photos. After taking at (least one) picture a day for the last month I can't honestly say I LOVE any of the photos I've taken so far. I've taken most of the photos with the camera on my iPhone because that happens to be the 'camera' that I have on me the majority of the time.

I'm usually the person who completely forgets she has a camera until after the fact on reflection that it would have been nice to have some photographic documentation of some fun or special event. I'm really hoping to remedy that this year.

I could definitely stand stand to stretch my creativity with my photos, so that's something I'll work on for the month of February. I see beauty and interesting sights everywhere, so I just have to be sure to actually capture them when opportunities arise.

What do you plan on improving upon for the month of February?

P.S.: For a person who does not consider herself to be a foodie by any means, I suddenly feel compelled to take photos of my food...don't know why...


  1. I use my iPhone most of the time for this reason too. When we take our daughter to theme parks, we use our iPhones. They take decent quality pictures and can be fun with some of the apps, too.

  2. i think your compilation of photos is actually really creative. i'm also one of those people who forget that i have a camera. :)

    Oh to Be a Muse

  3. What a fun challenge! It will be really interesting to look back on at the end of the year.

  4. Do you have Hipstamatic? It makes regular iPhone photos look cooler and is one of my favorite apps!
