Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Lady in Red

I'm being a bit repetitive, but it's official, I'm tired of every single summer item in my closet....I am struggling to regain inspiration out of my summer clothing and since my limited budget won't allow me to shop for a whole new wardrobe, I'm just ready for the season to change so I can pull out some of my fall-appropriate clothing items to wear. I think it's time for a thrifting expedition to add some new things to my closet for a reasonable price. I sure wish there was a Buffalo Exchange in DC or better yet, a Beacon's Closet...
Short: H&M
Skirt: Forever 21
Shoes: Calvin Klein via Marshalls
Necklace worn and Bracelet: Etsy
Earrings: Modcloth


  1. I don't think you're being repetitive! And even if you are, so what. We're all real people and real people wear the same things a lot of the time. :)

    You always look great, put together, beautiful and stylish.

  2. What a great colour! I hear you about being bored with your wardrobe. I'm looking forward to fall so I can layer and change up what I have in my closet.

  3. @ Melissa Thanks! What a lovely complement!

    @Curls-and-Pearls Thanks, I love wearing red! Happy to know I'm not the only one itching for fall : )

  4. I am SO with you on the summer thing. It's 96 degrees here today and I'm dying. Ha. Love the top though!

  5. I am blown away by this skirt and incredibly jealous that I don't own it! At least the good thing about style blogging is that when you're tired of your wardrobe, you can still share it with tons of strangers like us who find it fresh and exciting!

  6. I am blown away by this skirt and incredibly jealous that I don't own it! At least the good thing about style blogging is that when you're tired of your wardrobe, you can still share it with tons of strangers like us who find it fresh and exciting!

  7. What a great colour! I hear you about being bored with your wardrobe. I'm looking forward to fall so I can layer and change up what I have in my closet.
