Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Color Purple

This is one of my favorite dresses, but because it is vintage and a little fragile, I had to retire it from regular wear. I haven't worn this dress all summer, so I decided to wear it today since the season is winding down. Maybe when I really learn how to sew, I can make a copy of this dress, I really like the classic fit of it. The length and high neckline make it perfect for work. I also forgot how much I loved wearing the color purple.
I'm so excited the weekend is almost here! Happy (Almost) Friday!
Dress: Vintage
Belt: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: random shoe store in Philly
Necklace: Eastern Market vendor
Earrings: Eastern Market vendor

Currently listening to: Nothing... I could really use some music recommendations right now!


  1. Oh that dress is great on you! I love it!

    Have you used Pandora? It's streaming music online that lets you put in an artist or song you like and then plays songs similar to that, so it makes suggestions for you. AND it's free! And there's a mobile app! I love it.

  2. I agree with you - the cut and style of this dress is so beautiful.

  3. I love this dress, and you are so pretty :) I need to hunt down some vintage items
