Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Walk the Walk

This outfit is actually from a few days ago. I love this skirt, but rarely wear it because its a tad too short for work and I think the skirt lends itself to heels better than flats, so it gets relegated to the bottom of outfit possibilities on weekends because of that self-imposed limitation. I don't always feel like wearing heels on weekends, or if I do it's rarely for a full day. I think I've only worn this skirt once or twice this season, shame on me.

I regularly carry flats in my bag to change my shoes when I need a break from heels on weekdays and sometimes on weekends as well depending on what I'm doing on that day. I'm always amazed when I see women on public transportation or in the street walking with no apparent extra pair of shoes. Am I the only weakling that needs to switch out my shoes, or does everyone else simply drive everywhere they go instead of walk?

Shirt (Body suit): American Apparel
Skirt: Thrifted
Shoes: Zappos
Bracelet: Thrifted


  1. love the black with the bright yellow skirt. if i'm wearing wedges then i can wear them all day. but if i do high heels then i have to remember to switch out for flats if i'll be walking around. i hear ya.

  2. @Cheryl Thanks! Good to know I'm not the only one : )

  3. Oh no, I am even more of a weakling than you! I love heels but almost rarely wear them except on special occasions b/c I am a WALKER for sure. I have lots of skirts/dresses like yours that I wish went better with flats, too. Awesome yellow color, btw...

  4. I would totally bring flats too. This is one of my favorite color combos.

  5. I would totally bring flats too. This is one of my favorite color combos.
