Thursday, August 5, 2010

30 for 30: Day 23

As I've reiterated before, I'm really missing variety in the last stretch of the 30 for 30 challenge. I usually pick my outfits based on my mood on that given day, and it's a bit confining to have only 30 items to choose from. I'm pretty happy with most of the items I've chosen for the challenge (such as my nude pumps!), but I guess we always want want we can't have. Of course because I can't wear it, my bright yellow dress is the only dress I own that seemed to suit my mood for today...I'm so close to the end though, I guess can't complain but so much.

On another note, while I was on the Metro today, I noticed that this girl standing next to me had on the exact same shade of nail polish that I had on. I noticed it and went back to fiddling with my iPhone; it's just a habit seeing as though I get spotty service at most stations. A man standing next to both me and my 'nail polish doppelganger,' said: "Hey you both have the same nail polish on!" I smiled and nodded but my 'nail polish twin' gave me such a withering look, you would have thought I stole her puppy, or her boyfriend....sheesh. I would have complemented her on her taste if she hadn't been so funny about it. I still like my nail color regardless of the fact that other ladies obviously wear it also.

Song Currently on Repeat: 'Fake is the New Real' by Alice Smith

Top: H&M
Skirt: H&M
Shoes: Target
Nail Polish: Essie (Mint Candy Apple)
'Dove' Earrings: Modcloth
Necklace worn as bracelet: Etsy

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  1. Wow. She sounds kind of rotten. I would have wanted to befriend someone that so obviously shared similar tastes with me!

    I absolutely adore your style. You always look so professional, chic, put together and colorful.

    This shirt is fantastic; I love the ruffles!

  2. Thanks Melissa! I bought this top as sort of an after thought, but its become a favorite. I love adore your style too!

    I totally would have chatted the nail polish girl up if she had been a bit more pleasant, oh well...maybe she was having a bad day.
