Wednesday, August 4, 2010

30 for 30: Day 22

The dress I'm wearing is one of the older one's I own. It's actually strapless hence the cardigan I'm wearing with it to make it 'work appropriate.' I first wore this dress to my high school graduation. It was a tradition at my high school for the graduates to all white and in hindsight, I'm happy I chose a simple dress that I'm still wearing eight years later (yikes, its been that long?). I have a rule, that unless I am especially sentimental about a clothing item, if I haven't worn a piece of clothing in over a year, than it's time to sell it or give it away. This dress measures up to that rule every year since I bought it, so I think I will be wearing it for years to come.

Dress: The Limited
Cardigan: Nordstrom BP
Shoes: Target
Necklace: Thrifted

Currently listening to....nothing, sometimes it's good to enjoy the silence

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  1. This is stunning. The yellow looks amazing on you. Such a pretty, summery outfit and I love the nude shoes with it. You look gorgeous!

  2. This is a FANTASTIC look for you. A++++++
