Friday, August 6, 2010

Summer Reading List

I'm a little shocked by how quickly the summer is speeding by. Before the summer offocially ends, I'd like to try and read all of the books above. I have always enjoyed reading for pleasure from a number of genres from self-development, to business/entrepreneurship, to memoirs, to historical novels, to fantasy/supernatural, to a good mystery/thriller. Though the number of books I read vary depending on my schedule, I do a lot of my recreational reading during my public transportation commute which is like is built-in time for me to read each day (I'm so not a driver!). These days, I get most of my books from my local library, Paperbackswap or Amazon.
Here are the reasons why I chose the books on my summer reading list:

Infidel - I heard this was an interesting memoir from a friend.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - I was initially intriged by the title and the fact that I've seen this book just about everywhere over the past several months.
Making Ideas Happen - I love reading for information and it's high time I start figuring out how to implement all the ideas I have swirling around in my head, so I thought this book would be a start.
*itch is the New Black - I've also read about this memoir in a few magazines and blogs and the title alone is intriguing.
Vegan Cupcakes Takeover the World - I'm not a vegan, but I am a semi-vegetarian and not a big fan of dairy, so I thought I'd give a few recipes a try. I'm trying to improve my baking skills overall, but I've decided that cupcakes will be my signature dessert.
The Carrie Diaries - Because I need a bit a fluff just to read for fun and I'm not ashamed to say that I sometimes enjoy books clearly geared toward a teen/young adult audience.

Do you have any books on your summer reading list?


  1. Hey I've also got 'Infidel' on my reading list!

  2. Hey I've also got 'Infidel' on my reading list!
