Thursday, July 22, 2010

30 for 30: Day 9

My Mom sent me this article today on people curbing their urge to buy clothes by limiting themselves to 6 pieces of clothing for a month which is considerably more stringent than the 30 for 30 challenge I'm participating in. I guess I could restrict myself to 6 items of clothing for a month, but I really wouldn't want to unless I was backpacking to one of my dream travel destinations and didn't want to carry too much stuff for the duration of the trip. Come to think of it, spending a solid month traveling sounds fun! I'd definitely sacrifice clothing variety to take a trip to somewhere like Paris, Cape Town, Toronto, Costa Rica or one of the other numerous places on my travel wish list. I think I'll add it to my 'bucket' list of things to do before I turn 30 in a few years...

Shirt: Forever 21
Skirt: H&M
Shoes: Target
Belt: Nordstrom (BP Junior's)

Do you think you could limit yourself to 6 clothing items for a month for any reason?

30 for 30 Banner


  1. great chic outfit!
    good luck with the 30 for 30 thingy, seems fun!
    and love your choice with the shoes with those clothes!lovely
    loving you blog!and I want to see how the 30 for 30 thingy goes for I'm following!:)
    visit, comment and hopefully follow.XOXX!

  2. Is that like only shop for 6 pieces every month? LOL! As always, your outfit combination rocks.

  3. @ Abigail NY Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I'll follow your blog as well!

    @Olusola Thanks for stopping by! That 6 item challenge seems tough, doesn't it? According to the article you're limited to 6 clothing items not including shoes and accessories.

  4. Saw this via Flickr and love it. Cute skirt!

  5. great chic outfit!
    good luck with the 30 for 30 thingy, seems fun!
    and love your choice with the shoes with those clothes!lovely
    loving you blog!and I want to see how the 30 for 30 thingy goes for I'm following!:)
    visit, comment and hopefully follow.XOXX!
