Wednesday, July 21, 2010

30 for 30: Day 8

On a whim today, I signed up for a beginner's sewing workshop here this Friday. If I like the two hour workshop I'm taking, I think I'll take a comprehensive beginner's class here. I've wanted to learn how to sew for a long time, so I figured that I should start taking some action. I have no illusions of being proficient enough to be a contestant on Project Runway, but I would like to learn how to follow simple patterns and hem my own dresses, skirts, and pants. I plan to buy more thrift, vintage items, and it would be more cost effective if I could avoid taking items to the local dry cleaners (which has a tailor) to get altered.

On another note, this cardigan instantly cheers me up with it's bright (almost neon) color. In hindsight, despite the 90+ temperatures in D.C., it probably would have been wise to include more than one cardigan in my items for the 30 for 30 challenge. I spend most of the work day in nearly arctic air conditioning, so cardigans really come in handy. So, it looks like this cardigan will be worn several times a week for the next 22 days...

Dress: Target
Cardigan: Nordtrom BP
Shoes: Thrifted
Necklace: JessLC
Belt: Urban Outfitters

Song currently on repeat: 'Get Up Offa' That Thing' by James Brown

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