Friday, February 19, 2010

Urban Prairie Girl

Worn February 19, 2010, originally uploaded by ShenDove.

I went in Target the other day to pick up a notebook and came out with this skirt too. That is the reason why I've been limiting my Target excursions lately, you always end up buying more than you originally intended in that store. It's really more of a warm weather skirt, but I decided that tights, boots and a blazer make it work appropriate. The lingering snow on the ground is now a bleak grey, so the thought of spring time which isn't really that far away looks more promising each day.

I've got a bunch of school work to catch up on this weekend, but hope to do something fun as well. Happy Friday!

Blazer: Tulle
Shirt: Gap
Skirt: Target
Tights: Target
Boots: Target
Belt: Urban Outfitters
Amber Earrings: Gift

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