Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hobbies are for grown-ups too

I bought this tunic top recently and have been kind of stumped on how I should style it. I decided to make it work appropriate by adding a blazer and skirt, but thought my purple tights brought out the colors in the shirt, so I wore those instead of playing it safe with black tights as I usually do.

On another note, I decided that I needed a hobby that took me away from my computer, so I signed up for a beginners drawing class at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop. I work full-time and am actually a part-time grad student so it's not like I have an abundance of free time, but I felt like I needed a creative outlet. The first class was last night and I think it will be really fun! The class was fairly small about 9 people and the instructor played some jazzy music while we did our first assignment, just drawing a still-life to see where our skills were. I haven't tried to draw a still life since middle school, so I have a ways to go before I'd actually show a drawing to anyone, but it was still fun. The class seems like it will be a nice way to unwind from work and all of the numerous thoughts I always have going on in my head. Hope everyone is having a fantastic week!

Blazer: H&M
Shirt (tunic): Modcloth
Skirt: H&M
Tights: Kohls
Shoes: Payless
Earrings: Gift

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