Saturday, February 20, 2010

Easy Like Saturday Morning

2.20.2010, originally uploaded by ShenDove.

I will celebrate my birthday in early March. For some reason, for the last few years when my birthday gets close, I get a bit of 'quarter-life' anxiousness. You'd think I was turning 60-something instead of 20-something...oh well, I'll shake it. I'm sure I take myself way more seriously than I should. Can any other 20-somethings relate?

The weather was sunny when I went out to get coffee this morning which really lifted my spirits. I'm happy that the snow in my 'hood is finally starting to melt! Last week, the spot where I took this photo was buried under large mounds of snow. I went for a comfortable, but put-together look when picking out this outfit. I may also be doing a lot of walking later in the day, so I stuck to flats. I love this top, but it's entirely too chilly to think about wearing it by itself for a few weeks, yet; so a blazer was a reasonable compromise until the weather warms up.

Blazer: Macy's (boy's section)
Top: H&M
Jeans: Forever 21
Shoes: Steve Madden via Zappos
Earrings: Topshop
Sunnies: The Loft


  1. I can totally relate to the quarter life crisis - the big question of "what am I going to do with my life" and "when am I going to know this?"

    Blazer looks cute and I love the red top!

    Stel xx

  2. @Stel Thanks!
    Those are the exact questions I ask myself on a regular basis.

  3. @Stel Thanks!
    Those are the exact questions I ask myself on a regular basis.
