Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Shen's Favorite Things: LOVE jewelry

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Love is one of those positive affirmative words that always cheer me up and I enjoy seeing it on jewelry. The word clearly shouldn't just be relegated to just Valentine's Day, although I would have appreciated receiving any of the pretty jewelry above as a gift, for Valentine's Day; or other special occasion for that matter. I've been attracted to jewelry with the word love for a while. Maybe it's something to do with past visits to one of my favorite statues in my hometown. It's the visual image that comes up when I think of the word love in the literal sense. It still cheers me up to this day when I pass it on visits home.


  1. Oh, I so adore LOVE jewelry - it's just gorgeous. I think the first piece may be my favorite of them all!! :)

  2. @Erika I love that ring too! Might have to get it.

  3. @Erika I love that ring too! Might have to get it.

  4. Oh, I so adore LOVE jewelry - it's just gorgeous. I think the first piece may be my favorite of them all!! :)
