Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Study in Black and White

Worn February 25, 2010, originally uploaded by ShenDove.

I was explaining to someone recently that it's not an exact science, but the brightness of the colors I am wearing has a direct correlation to my mood. When I am feeling pretty good, I tend to gravitate toward muted tones or neutrals, but when I am feeling down, I usually go for a pop of a bright color. So going by that theory, I'd say I was in a good mood when I wore this outfit. I love color, but there is a simplicity, and timeless-ness (is that a word?) to wearing black and white that will always make them go-to colors in my wardrobe.

I really believe that color affects your mood. That is probably why I'm itching to paint the walls of my apartment bright colors but the thought of investing money into a place I don't own always stop me short of heading to the paint store and putting down drop cloths....

Blazer: The Loft
Lace Top: H&M
Skirt: H&M
Boots: Go Jane
Belt: Nordstrom (Junior's Section)
Earrings: Mexico

Song currently on repeat: "Jump Up in the Air and Stay There" By Erykah Badu featuring Lil Wayne


  1. I love how you pick up things from the kids department and then work them in so they look super chic. The simplicity of this outfit is perfect!

  2. this is such a fun and "non-boring" black and white look!
