Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tweed Blazer Take One

Blazer: F21 (similar); Skirt: Nordstrom (junior's dept); Boots: It's Vintage Darling; Necklace: Target
3-1-12 outfit
This tweed blazer is one of those items that has gotten very little attention this season, so I think I'll wear it a few more ways before the weather warms up. I'm happy about the fact that dark florals and tweeds will be a distant memory very soon when spring arrives!

Here's to a positive and productive week! 

Currently reading: Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk


  1. The floral print skirt pairs so well with the tweed blazer!  Cute look! =)

  2. LOVE THIS!  You have majorly inspired because this morning I almost gave away a blazer just like this & then I thought, nope I know I can rock it!  I will be doing a copy of this outfit!  Maybe I'll post a pic and show it to you!

  3. Love this Shen! You look country and city chic - very cute. Also, yes, I would encourage you to ask a couple of friends to help you out with pics. I think you'll enjoy what you guys come up with. There is a certain amount of stress that come with that, but the results are worth it.


  4. Thanks lady!  Please share your outfit! I'd love to see it.

  5. i'm also longing for spring fashion, but this outfit is darling.  i especially love those boots!

  6. I love that blazer! I mean, I love all blazers, but this one especially! I've never seen anyone style one by wearing a thick belt over it - might have to try that idea. Cute outfit! :]]]

