Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Book Review: Half of a Yellow Sun

To be honest, it took me a while to read Half of a Yellow Sun though I've had it on loan from the library for weeks and had heard good things about it.  But once I got into the rhythm of the book, I couldn't put it down.  I felt invested in knowing what would happen to the characters and had to keep reading to find out how the book would end.  The book revolves around five characters during a civil war that took place in Nigeria during the 1960s in which the country of Biafra was formed. 

The characters of the novel include: (1) a teenage boy who later becomes a housekeeper (2) a university professor and employer of the teenage housekeeper with highly charged political ideals, (3) a woman who is in a relationship with the university professor, (4) her twin sister and, (5) a British expatriate who is in Nigeria to write a book about the culture and art of the Igbo people (this is the ethnic group of most of the main characters).  The war that ensues affects the characters in different ways and changes their lives forever.

A lot of the action in Half of a Yellow Sun revolve around war which is always devastating, but it was very well written and compelling.  I enjoy reading books that vividly describe a story within the context of actual historical events.  Before reading this book, I didn't know anything about the socio-political events of Nigeria (and Biafra) in the 1960s, but I'm now intrigued to read more about Nigerian history.  This book has its sad points, but also has the themes of love and perseverance integrated into the story.  I definitely recommend this book. 

Note: Please note that if graphic descriptions of war upset you, this book may not be for you. 


  1. I'm so eager to read this book...I'm a history grad, so anything that opens my mind to new parts of history I don't understand is top notch!  Thanks for the suggestion, gotta order it from my library.

    <3 Cambria

  2. This is one of my favorite books ever. It was very captivating. The author has also written a few other books which are really good too.

  3. I'll have to add this to my list - thanks for sharing!

  4. Good to know! I will definitely check out more books by the author since I liked the first one.

  5. Please let me know how you like the book after you read it!
