Saturday, September 17, 2011

Summer Leftovers

Dress (worn as skirt): Zara; Shirt: Charlotte Russe; Shoes: Target; Sunnies: Target
Clutch: Francesca's Collections; Earrings: Top Shop; Necklace: Jess LC; Ring and Bracelets: H&M

It seems like fall has arrived a few days early so I had to wear a few more layers today than I did when these photos were taken several days ago. We may get a few more warm days before the chill sets in, but you can definitely feel fall in the air now in DC.  Goodbye summer, hello fall!


Have a lovely weekend!


  1. We had our first cool day yesterday and I'm just hoping we don't have an Indian summer this year! I am dying for the chilly weather : ) 

  2. I love that color dress on you!! So mad I'll be missing fall in DC...its my favorite part of the year!! 

  3. I am so jealous of that pink color! I have been scouring stores for it since spring! It's been unexpectedly cool in New York for the past few days and I'm totally unprepared. Hope you get a few more summer days! 

  4. this is such a perfect end-of-summer outfit!  the bright pink and tied shirt are gorgeous together!

  5. Thanks lady! I love fall weather in DC too : )

  6. Yeah I'm thinking we won't get an Indian Summer this year, but we'll see!  The cool weather is definitely on it's way.
