Friday, September 16, 2011

Style Profile: Classic Noise

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Photos: courtesy of Sorren, Classic Noise

For this edition of Shen's Style Profiles, Sorren of Classic Noise was nice enough to answer some questions about her style.  Sorren does an excellent job of remixing her work wardrobe in stylish ways and also shares delicious recipes with readers.  So now to the questions!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start your blog and how did you come up with the title? 

Sorren: As is the case with most other bloggers, the blogs I was reading inspired me to take the leap. It began a year prior when I discovered ahautemess. I loved Nikki's style, tongue-in-cheek witty writing and how obvious it was that she kept it real. Funnily enough, I didn't expand my reading to other blogs until October 2010, when my friend introduced me to Kendi Everyday and her upcoming 30 for 30 Challenge. The idea of a blog can be very overwhelming, so the challenge seemed like the perfect task that would help kick start my blog and give it an initial purpose and direction.  For me, the title was the toughest part - it was also what caused me to join the challenge a week late! When it comes to commitment, I can be quite fickle. Details like titles, names, and colours always stop me in my tracks paralyzing me with the fear that I will grow to dislike what I eventually decide on the minute I've made my choice. When considering what others were doing, I enjoyed the titles that included the blogger's name in an interesting way but could not settle on the perfect adjective to pair with "Sorren."  To be honest, I think it was because I was also a little put off by the idea of being so front and centre. Long story short, I decided to scrap something along the lines of "Simply Sorren" (I mean honestly, what's a Sorren anyway?) and focused on words I thought were indicative of myself and what I was trying to do with the blog. "Classic" was thrown in the running because my sense of style usually falls on the classic, as opposed to, trendy side. Since I couldn't decide whether I'd be focusing on fashion, personal style, food or design, I wanted a word that would allow me to change direction as I wanted. I felt that "noise" was representative of many things happening simultaneously and it could therefore encompass any route I decided to take.

Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? Have you seen your style evolve since you started your blog? 

Sorren: In three words, I would describe my personal style as simple, classic and clean. Sometimes I like to get a little edgy, but my edgy is usually someone else's mid-week go-to (heels and shorts). I have definitely seen my style evolve since blogging. Initially this evolution was most apparent in my office wardrobe. The office where I used to work was located in an Industrial Park and was therefore fairly laid back and informal. I had begun to adopt a somewhat casual approach to my office wear and had begun to become bored with my closet. Once I began my blog I had an excuse to dress up again. It was fantastic. I realized how much I had missed styling chic, fun office-wear and began to have fun with my clothes again. Beyond the office, I have noticed that I am braver with what I wear, and also have more confidence in my choices. I definitely keep an eye out for statement pieces, jewellery and patterned pieces more so than before and am willing to take bigger risks on my purchases. However, I have yet to buy something in hopes of merely making a statement outfit just for my blog. If I'm going to spend money on it, it's got to be something I know I can wear on repeat.

Shen Dove: What do you enjoy most about blogging about style and fashion? 

Sorren: The inspiration I gain through reading others' blogs AND, in turn, the inspiration I am able to offer, to my readers, through my own blogs. The absolute best compliments I've had are when I hear about people who have been motivated to get excited about, and re-discover, their own closets!
Style Profile - Classic Noise 1

Shen Dove: You are graphic designer and I really enjoy your posts on your design projects! Is your fashion aesthetic similar to your graphic design style? 

Sorren: Hurray! I'm so glad you enjoy those! The design aspect is definitely a part of my blog that I would like to expand on. I have been attempting to post design-related pieces more frequently but am not in the full swing yet. I definitely feel that my fashion aesthetic and graphic design tendencies are very similar. Im both cases I tend to gravitate towards a more simplistic and minimalistic approach. I admire colour, and sometimes use great big bursts of it, but for the most part I stick to neutrals with small colour accents (usually one colour at a time). I have an impulse to keep the overall look & feel clean, making most of white space - in terms of outfits this would mean not over-accessorizing - and keep any intricate design I do indulge in, contained to one area - i.e. a bunch of bracelets on one wrist rather than bracelets, belt earring, scarf, etc, all at once.

Shen Dove: How has the city/town you live in influenced your style? 

Sorren: When I first moved to Halifax, about five years ago, the city's style was very understated and laid back. Although it was a very youthful city with an influx of students from across Canada and beyond (we have three universities and a number of community colleges), it was still just a lot of jeans and tanks at the bars. Since then, Halifax's style has definitely evolved, embracing trends that other cities are seeing and now seems to travel the spectrum from hipsters to bro-dudes. Since I am mostly drawn to classic, stand-the-test-of-time pieces I tend to have a limit as to how much external forces will influence my style choices, i.e. I won't be morphing into the lead ukulele player in a wu-tang coverband. The biggest influence Halifax has had on my style is the lingering appreciation I hold for younger, flirtier, fun pieces which, as long I manage their inclusion in my work-wardrobe, isn't a bad thing.

Shen Dove: What are some of your interests/hobbies outside of fashion blogging? Do you have any hidden talents? 

Sorren: Interests and hobbies would include: Graphic Design. I like to design when I can, and when I'm asked. Lately I've worked on wedding invitations, a friend's business card and my own portfolio site. Web Design. I am also trying to get back into html and CSS. Playing producer and assistant to Jack's projects. I like helping anyway possible, from Music Video to screen printing. Reading. Anything from Bossypants to Survivor to Onward Watching movies and TV. Seriously, you would not believe how little TV I used to watch seven years ago (before my boyfriend). Luckily, TV time also means blog time. Hidden Talents: - I am a parallel parking pro. No lie. - Birthday-party planorama - Baking junkie.

Shen Dove: How do you plan to transition your favourite summer items into your fall wardrobe? 

Sorren: Tights. Lots of tights. Patterned, coloured, and monochrome tights. In fact, I think I need to go tight shopping… Also, I am going to focus on re-discovering my cardigans, jackets and boots. Styling a piece from season to season offers such a random, fantastic feeling of accomplishment that I just cannot get enough. Obviously there are certain pieces that need to be retired until the return of the warmer weather, however in the upcoming months I will be attempting to convert the majority of my dresses into fall-friendly outfits, so keep an eye out for those!

Shen Dove: Do you have any personal style rules you live by? If so what are they? 

Sorren: I don't have many, but I think these about cover it. Confidence is key. If you aren't confident in what you're wearing, don't wear it. There are go-to items in my closet that I will suddenly, for no discernible reason lose confidence in. When this happens, I just put them aside and wait for the weirdness to subside. Don't be a slave to sizing, it's all baloney. If it fits, it fits and that's all that's important - if it bothers you that much, cut out the tag. Store to store, label to label, dress to dress, I have run anywhere from a size 4 to 8 (small to medium), in tops and a 6 to 10 (medium to large), in bottoms. As long as it fits and I feel comfortable wearing it, I do not drive myself nutty worrying whether I should be a smaller size because sizes are subjective to the designer. Don't blow your money on trends, blow your money on what you like and what you will continue to like. Usually I'm late to a trend anyway making this a non-issue for me, but on the rare occasion I am ahead of the times, I hit up places like H&M to look for a trendy addition to my closet. I keep my big buys for those pieces I'll be able to wear for years, like my Halogen Jacket (2008), Boyfriend Blazer (2009), Club Monaco Skirt (2008), and BB Dakota Crop Jacket (2007).

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Shen Dove: Thanks for the interview Sorren! So stop by and visit Classic Noise if you don't have it bookmarked yet!


  1. Shen, this was a great interview with Sorren. I am with her on the tights and lots of them.

    Slow Strut, Rouge Lips, More Than a Fashion Blog

  2. Great interview - I love Sorren's style and her witty writing!
