Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Style Profile: Dash Dot Dotty

Dash Dot Dotty - Style Profile 2

For this edition of Shen Style Profiles, Dotty of Dash Dot Dotty was kind enough to answer a few questions about her style.   Dotty combines both colorful and neutral color palette's very nicely in her outfits. Her unique photo angles and circular and dash photos are also so creative!  So now to the questions!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start a blog?

Dotty: I had started reading other style blogs to get inspiration and eventually I wanted in on the fun! I had been taking outfit photos for a while as a personal project to dress better for work, so it made sense to start my own little blog to get feedback.

Shen Dove:  How would you describe your personal style? Since you are a recent graduate, have your studies influenced your style?

Dotty: I have a seriously hard time describing my style with adjectives, since it is still in process. Being in graduate school for the last two years I have been dressing more casually--more flats than heels, more jeans than skirts, more big scarves than crisp collars. My field of study is architecture, which is very much based on visual perceptions of drawings and buildings. Little bits of things I have learned about color and weight have found their way into my outfits. More directly, the layout and graphics of dash dot dotty are heavily influenced by my design aesthetic.


Shen Dove: How have the cities/burbs/towns you've lived in influenced your style?

Dotty: I attended grad school in a small, university-dominated, midwest city that is ridiculously casual. I can honestly say that I did not draw much inspiration from my uggs-and-leggings clad fellow students. And most architecture-related academics opt for black with a bit of dark gray for pizazz. But before grad school I lived in Las Vegas, during which time I developed a fondness for sequins. I’m not going to start wearing bedazzled sweatpants anytime soon, but I think my style falls somewhere in between the two cities.

Shen Dove: What items are you excited about wearing for the summer?

Dotty: Sandals! Sundresses! Big hats! White!

Shen Dove: You are very good at showing readers how you remix your clothing and accessory items. Do you have any clothing or accessories items that you plan to keep forever and why?

Dotty: I have a white wool lady day coat that I plan on keeping forever. It makes me feel like a princess, even when it is cold and snowy outside.
Dash Dot Dotty - Style Profile 3

Shen Dove: Looking your best doesn't necessarily mean spending your entire paycheck, do you have any tips for shopping on a budget?

Dotty: I am a huge fan of thrift stores. Thrifting allows me to test out new colors and patterns without spending very much. I like the challenge of making an older piece look current or figuring out a way to incorporate a wackadoodle find into my closet.

Shen Dove: Do you have a piece of advice you'd like to convey to anyone interested in starting a blog that you wish someone had told you?

Dotty: My advice would be to go at your own pace. You don’t have to post everyday or follow a strict schedule. Blogs are personal, creative projects, so make it a blog that you would get excited about visiting.

Shen Dove:  Do you have "power color" which I define as a color you wear when you want to feel confident/powerful? If so, what is it?

Dotty: Turquoise! Even though I only own a few turquoise pieces, I really like how it combines with other colors (especially red and orange) and it can be cool and vibrant simultaneously.

Shen Dove: Thanks for answering my questions Dotty!

Be sure to check out Dotty's unique take on style on her blog!


  1. hey lady!  thanks for the feature!   i really like the combination of photos that you chose!

  2. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!

  3. Great feature! I like her style. I'll have to follow her now

    Life in Style


  4.  I've been reading Dotty's blog for a while now, and I love her! She is so creative--I always get inspired by her style! I think she's the one who introduced me to your blog, so that's another reason she rocks! :)
