Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Skirt Collector


Dress (worn as shirt): Forever 21; Skirt: Gap; Shoes: Target; Jewelry: H&M/Jess LC/purchased in Mexico

I can't remember where I saw it first, but I do acknowledge the fact that if it weren't for fashion/style blogs, it probably wouldn't have occurred to me to use a dress as a layering piece.  I usually feel like I have a shirt deficit in comparison to my skirt collection, so pretending that my dresses are tops makes me feel like I have more tops to wear with my skirts.

Outfit 4.21.11_2

I never thought of my skirts as a collection until I wrote the previous sentence.  At different points of my childhood I collected rocks, dolls, coins, books, and beanie I collect skirts.

Outfit 4.21.11_1

What clothing items do you collect?


  1. Can I please have your skirt?

    Monique xx

  2. Clutches, but yet I never carry them! At least you get some use out of your collection. :)
    And I have to give style blogs credit for educating me on the possibilities of dresses as shirts. And I can honestly admit that it never would have occurred to me without the blogosphere!

  3. Oh, I collect em all! I wanted to add that skirt to my collection, but missed out on it playing the waiting game - by the time it was on sale my size was gone.

  4. I have that skirt too, and now I have a great new idea for styling it! I'll have to try a dress as a top--thanks!

  5. i heart the idea of considering collecting skirts as a hobby!

    and that dress works wonderfully as a top!

  6. LOVE this look! I keep kicking myself that I didn't buy it when it went on sale.

  7. Maybe not have, but you can certainly borrow it : )

  8. Glad to know I'm not the only one : )

  9. Bummer! But your skirt collection is pretty awesome without this one : )

  10. Aww! I'd be willing to do a swap with you when you get back to the US : ) Maybe you'd be willing to part temporarily with one of your great scarves or a skirt?

  11. Such a pretty look! I've been avoiding collection tendencies because I get so carried away! I used to collect jeans....but I guess now, it's cardigans and skirts as well. =)

  12. A very lovely look. I would have never thought of using dresses as tops or bottoms for that matter it hadn't been for style/fashion blogs.

  13. MyFashionConfessionApril 23, 2011 at 8:09 AM

    That dress makes a great blouse!

    Ashley @

  14. Whoa crazy I'm looking at that F21 dress on the website now hahahaa. I love how you wore it here with that skirt and love the new theme too!

  15. Beautiful!! I have that skirt in black, I totally love it :) It's the only pleated thing that's every actually looked cute on me!

    So What If I Like Pretty Things
