Friday, April 22, 2011

Friend Friday: Inspiration

Happy Friday friends!  This week's Friend Friday questions revolve around inspiration.  Style inspiration can be found everywhere and I love the fact that I can share the things that inspire me through blogging.  So here are my answer to the questions!

  1. Which celebrity (celebrities) do you look to for fashion inspiration?  To be honest, I'm more inspired by the style of bloggers these days than celebrities, but there are some stylish celebrities that regularly inspire me such as actress Kerry Washington, celebrity stylist June Ambrose, singer Shingai Shoniwa, fashion designer/author/reality star Nicole Richie, singer Solange Knowles and actress Audrey Hepburn.  
  2. Images via, via and via
  3. When it comes to your own personal style, what inspires you?  My mother and grandmother's personal style are an inspiration.  I find myself doing things they've been doing for years before it was trendy like "finishing" outfits with belts, mixing prints and pattersn, altering items to give them a different look and "remixing." 
  4. How do you hope to inspire your readers?  I hope to inspire my readers to buy only clothing that you love and to embrace your own personal style and have fun with it!
  5. Outside the realm of fashion who/what inspires you?  I can find inspiration almost anywhere; from artwork, films, books, music, interior design...I could go on but I'll stop there. 
  6. And since Idol is ending… Which songs inspire you?  I haven't watched American Idol for years, I think during the last season I watched, Jennifer Hudson was a contestant.... But I am a big music lover, so there are too many songs to name that have inspired me in some way, but the first song that comes to mind at the moment, is "Golden" by my fellow Philadelphian, Jill Scott.

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday is a Google group for bloggers to discuss/answer questions on a given topic each week. Visit Katy of Modly Chic if you are interested in participating.

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