Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Style Profile: Spicy Candy DC

Photos: Courtesy of Spicy Candy DC

For this edition of Shen Style Profiles, Carlis and Katya of Spicy Candy DC were kind enough to answer a few questions about their style and insight into fashion in the nation's capital! Carlis and Katya both have personal style that is a unique and fashion forward take on current trends and classic looks.  They both have awesome bags and use pops of color to put together stylish looks.  So let's get down to the questions!

Shen Dove: I think it's so great that you decided to launch your blog together; it's nice to see the elements of both of your personal styles in your posts! Why did you decide to start a blog together as opposed to doing blogs separately?

Carlis and Katya: I guess the best answer would be that "two styles are always better than one" :) We feel like it gives our readers variety since our styles are very different. Also, a big part for us doing the blog together is because we have a lot of things in common and we get to enjoy a lot of different activities and take photos at the same time. Finally, we each have very unique and different strengths ... so it's nice to work as a team. Although blogging is nothing more than a hobby for us, at times it feels like a little mini business. It's all about time management, focus, specific goals, and lots and lots of networking! :)

Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? Is it influenced by your career/job?

Carlis: I would describe my personal style as flirty/casual with a bohemian flare! I love feeling comfortable in anything I wear. Thankfully I work for a company where I can wear casual outfits every day - I’m not a fan of business suits or button down shirts.
Katya: I would define my style as casual/chic. I absolutely love basics and timeless pieces. My style is not influenced by my current job since I work your typical 9-5 and you can't really get too creative with business suits, but that is another reason why I love blogging so much - it's my style outlet and something that makes my mundane life just a little more fun!

Shen Dove: How have the cities you've lived in influenced your style?

Carlis: I’m originally from Bolivia, I came to the states when I was 11. I think that the reason I love bright neon colors and fun patterns is because I grew up with that, so yes... I think that the places where I lived and visit definitely influenced my style over the years.
Katya: I lived most of my childhood in Ukraine and South America (Venezuela). Each city is very unique in styles but the women take style and fashion very seriously! Even at such a young age, I was already "dressing up" for dinner haha. Aside from that, I would say that my biggest influences have been acquired here in the States.... especially because of our proximity to NYC - I get so inspired by NYC's street style every time I go visit (which is often).

Shen Dove: Since I also live in DC, I'm curious to know about a few local shops and boutiques that you have you had the most success with finding great things? Do you have an example of a great recent find?

Carlis: Unfortunately I don't shop at local boutiques very often. Most of my wardrobe is from H&M, Forever21, Marshalls, TJ Maxx and of course great vintage items from Goodwill and Unique. My latest great find was a Michael Kors cardi I found at Marshalls for the amazing price of $10!!!!
Katya: I don't shop at local boutiques very often either but I recently found a really amazing top that I plan to wear for my birthday at Periwinkle in Alexandria - they have some really neat stuff, especially statement rings! I also love most of the boutiques in Old Town. They have amazing jewelry shops and fun little stores that carry everything from vintage items for your home to lingerie, to neat outfits for my dog Mimi!

Shen Dove: What other spots (eateries, shops, entertainment, etc.) do you suggest for folks visiting or new to the city that are must-see's?
Carlis and Katya: The beauty of blogging is that we get to do so much. We are the type that love to give our readers not just a cute outfit to look at but also an array of things that will send their visual sensor through the roof. We try to explore every corner of this city and its surrounding areas so yes, we've made a long list of our favorite places that we'd love to share:
  • Where we eat: On a nice day, Leopold's cafe in Georgetown is a must - the private patio is delightful and the desserts are delicious; 2Amy's pizza - def try the DOC style Margarita; Georgetown cupcake - yes, cliche but truly the best; Sushi and liche martini's at Mate; beer and mussels at Granville Moors on H street; brunch at Creme Cafe on U street or Hudson Restaurant on M Street; coffee and the best grilled cheese at Northside Social in Arlington.
  • Where we go: We love spending time outside on a nice day, so some of our favorite spots are: The gardens at the American Horticultural Society - bring a picnic blanket and be ready to enjoy the most beautiful compilation of flowers; the park at Georgetown looking over the Potomac, followed by drinks at Nick's; the Hirshhorn museum and the Newseum; wine tasting at Chrysalis vineyards followed by a stroll through Middleburg, VA; Hillwood Estate 

Shen Dove: What items are you excited about wearing next season?

Carlis: I'm def excited for the come back of bell bottoms and also the dresses that are longer in the back and short at front, I find them so sexy!
Katya: NUDES! OMG I love nudes. Also, floppy hats, maxi/sheer skirts, and white denim.

Shen Dove: You both have fantastic accessories that really add a creative element to your style. What accessories item do you plan to keep forever and why?

Carlis: I’m not as big on jewelry as Katya is, she always find the greatest pieces, but I do love hats and fun sun glasses. My current fav item that I think will def be with me for a long time is my leopard fedora hat, it seriously goes with every outfit I put together.
Katya: I rather go without food than without accessories (ok fine, that might be a little exaggerated), but I do love a perfect accessory. My favorites are: Vintage red purse that also turns into a clutch; RayBan sunnies; my collection of rings, vintage belts, and my Anne Klein chunky watch.

Shen Dove: Looking your best doesn't necessarily mean spending your entire paycheck; do you have any tips for shopping on a budget?

Carlis: Yes! Never go shopping in a hurry, take your time! I spend a lot of time in the sale sections and even though most sale sections look overwhelming if you take your time and seriously look thorough all that’s there you will find something fab! I also would suggest to try Goodwill or any thrift store for some amazing vintage finds.
Katya: I absolutely love designer sale sites like Gilt. I've found some amazing items on there for 1/3 of the price. Online shopping is not as exciting but there is opportunity to compare prices and it gives you a bigger selection. I just finally found the House of Holland stockings that I've been obsessing over for months in the UK, it was shipped to me within 5-10 bus days for only $5.95!

Shen Dove: Do you have a piece of advice you'd like to convey to anyone interested in starting a blog that you wish someone had told you?

Carlis and Katya: Absolutely! Do it for the right reasons (not for fortune and fame). Find your niche, and don't ever, ever, ever get discouraged by the lack of views or followers because at the end of the day, it should be something you enjoy doing for yourself - not for anyone else!

Shen Dove: Do you have any personal style rules you live by? If so, what are they?

Carlis: I don’t have rules at all! I would just say have fun creating your outfits and stay true to your personal style.
Katya: Yes, sometimes less is more and comfort is key!

Shen Dove: Thanks for the interview ladies!  

Be sure to check out Carlis and Katya's unique take on DC style on their blog and even more great content on their Facebook page!

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