Monday, March 14, 2011

Rose Colored Glasses

Shirt: Forever 21; Jeans: Urban Outfitters; Belt: ?; Shoes: Thrifted; Glasses: Urban Outfitters

I don't have much to say today except that I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers to those affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.  I'm admittedly a news junkie and even I had to turn off the news because the coverage was bumming me out.  I'll definitely be making a donation to a rescue/ relief organization before the week is over.  I don't think I've made a monetary donation to a rescue/relief organization since the Haiti earthquake last year, so it's over due that I give back in some small way anyway to others in need.  

I'm sure that I'm not the only one that feels like I have so much to be grateful for after the events of last week.  Even this daydreamer had to look beyond my 'rose colored glasses' to recognize that there is more to the world than the fun things I love like fashion, books and art.

Have a productive week and stay positive!

Currently Reading: An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin
Currently Listening to: Assorted mix of Pandora stations


  1. Loving your wonderful pink top. I cannot see the print very well, but they look like birds to me.
    My thoughts are also with the japanese people.

  2. Thanks lady! I forgot to take a close-up shot of my top, but it is indeed covered with birds; sparrows I think. I'll try to remember to take a closer shot later.

  3. your top is such a gorgeous shade or dusty pink! i like how you paired it with black to contrast the girlyness!

  4. I totally feel you about being grateful for what you have!!

    Love that pink top though...its gorgeous!!

  5. what a pretty top! i love that color on you.
    -brittney (my daily outfit blog; come on by!)

  6. Both your outfit and your words brightened me up just now. :) Everything in perspective, right? Thanks pretty lady.

  7. You look phenomenal in this outfit. I love how you belted the blouse and the skinnies are great on you.

    I think it would be really difficult to not count your blessings during times like this. It's hard to not be grateful that your family is safe. I'm absolutely grateful for it.

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  8. Thanks lady! It's always a good practice to count your blessings every so often especially when others are suffering.

  9. Thanks lady! I'm happy to know that : )

  10. Thanks lady! I think gratitude is so important, life isn't perfect by any means for many of us but there is so much to be grateful for!
