Wednesday, February 9, 2011

8 of 30: Lucky FABB


Yesterday, I attended the Lucky Fashion and Beauty Blogger Conference in New York City. I really enjoyed the speakers and panel discussions. They were very insightful. It was also fun to be around a whole room full of people whose interest in fashion and beauty matched my own. I won't do a full recap, because I don't want to spoil it for those who still plan to watch the conference recording. Many of the conference speakers touched in some way on being authentic as a blogger, remaining true to yourself and continuing to learn/expand your knowledge (about the craft of blogging, about blogging platforms, social media and technology, etc.). Joan Rivers was as funny as she is on TV, but she also gave great advice like her opinion that that the only things you'll regret in life are the things you don't do and to manage your own money, be a business woman instead of relying on others to do so for you. Jenna Lyons (of J Crew) looked as stylish in real life as she does in photos. I also learned about great sites that I will check out when I have time such as Style Trek and Fashism.

I wasn't very good at documenting the day in pictures (this is still something I need to work on!), I was too busy taking everything in. But I did get photos done by the photographer they had set up at the event which are way better than my usual self-taken photos. I feel grateful that I had the opportunity to participate in the conference and thought Lucky did an awesome job at putting together a great conference.

Lucky FABB Conference

On another note, I did stick to my 30 for 30 items for my outfit from yesterday and wore a blazer in solidarity of the awesome site, Everybody Body, Everywear.

Blazer: Macy's (boy's section)
Dress: Modcloth
Shoes: Target
Belt: H&M
Earrings: Modcloth
Necklace worn as bracelet: Etsy seller

Classic Blazer | Everybody, Everywear


  1. This outfit is very elegant, good job!

  2. How awesome that you were able to be there! I'm jealous!

    You look so fantastic in this outfit. That dress is spectacular and I adore the pop of red in the belt. The blazer is the perfect topper.

  3. Thanks! The belt was a last minute addition, but I'm happy now that I added it.

    I'm sorry you couldn't be there, I would have loved to have met you in person. But go ahead and watch the conference when you get a chance online, it will be worth your time.

    To be quite honest, it was a little exhausting traveling back and forth for the day up to NY, but was worth it!

  4. you are such a pint sized CUTIE!!!!!! So glad I got to say hi to you at the conference. :))))))) You. look. ADORABLE! xo, Kim

  5. What fun! Great job using 30 for 30 items to wear for the conference. You look fashionable and professional!
    I am double impressed that you were even able to squeeze EBEW in there, too. Amazing!

    The Auspicious Life

  6. I agree..that belt is perfect!

  7. Wow you look terrific! Sounds like such an amazing and interesting conference.

  8. Love these shots of you! Your look is amazing. The conference sounds like so much fun!! <3

  9. I'm so jealous you were at the conference! These photos are amazing. You look great!

  10. Thanks Kim! I'm glad I got to saw hi to you too, you looked pretty stylish yourself! Hopefully next time we'll get to chat a bit. Enjoy the rest of the Fashion Week activities!

  11. Thanks Linda! I couldn't miss out in participating again in EBEW even if I was a bit late : )

  12. Thanks! It was a great conference, very well put-together.

  13. Thanks a bunch! It was a fun conference : )
    Most opportunities to be around fashion/style bloggers are a fun time in my book.

  14. Thanks! They are a nice memento from the day. I don't think I've had a professional picture taken since my college graduation photos and I personally like these better : )

  15. I LOVE that dress and I am SO excited about these pictures, they're wonderful and you look beautiful! I would have loved to attended an event like this, hopefully Halifax has something interesting coming up...

  16. Amazing! Fantastic that you got to be right in the middle of it, and how awesome is it that you got profresh photos?! You look radiant in them. Seriously.

  17. Black and white outfits are so classic! And, I love the little pop of color with your red belt!! And, how awesome that you got to go to this conference!!!! So cool!!!

  18. Thanks what a lovely complement! I really enjoyed the conference. It was a fun experience.

  19. Thanks! As much as I love color, black and white is a favorite combo. It was a great event.

  20. Great cute outfit, I adore B&W and you paired it so well. That oval swing thing looks really cool

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