Monday, February 7, 2011

7 of 30: Dotty



I strongly believe in the power of positive thinking so I've decided to participate in Melissa from A Working Mom's Closet's and Hope from Hope and the Dress Code's Fabulous in February: Month of Positivity. For the each Monday during the month of February, participants will state three positive things about themselves. I definitely agree with Melissa and Hope, that it's very easy to be critical of ourselves instead of celebrating the positive things, so I'm appreciative of this challenge. So here are my three positive things:

  1. People regularly ask me for styling advice and I think I'm pretty good at offering up solutions to their styling questions.
  2. I like the fact that I read quite a bit and that makes me knowledgeable on many things. One day I might take all of the random knowledge I have and compete on a game show, like Jeopardy : )
  3. I happen to like the fact that my face is usually blemish free. I don't get break-outs on my face very often and sometimes get complemented on how clear my skin is.
On another note, my poor shoes are falling apart...they are a bit old and hopefully I can get them resoled so I can continue wearing them. If they are deemed un-fixable by the shoe repair, I'll have to retire them for good after the 30 for 30. Oh well, I've gotten a lot of wear out of them over the years, and they didn't cost more than about $20, so I can live with their permanent 'retirement' if I have to.

Shirt: Tucker for Target
Skirt: The Loft
Tights: Kohls
Shoes: random shoe store in Philly

Earrings: H&M
Bracelet: Beacon's Closet
(Brooklyn, NY)

30 for 30 items


  1. I love this outfit! The polka dots and those shoes are fantastic!

    I'm so glad you're participating in the Fabulous in February challenge! This is going to be great and it's awesome to hear everyone say such nice things about themselves!

  2. I have a few shoes that need resoled too. And I love this idea bout February being a positive month. I think positive thinking is so crucial and I try to incorporate it all the time.

  3. Great outfit and the colors match your skintone well! I hope those shoes can be saved...they look so cool! =)

  4. Yea, I'm so happy to read your "positives". Not only that, we have one in common (#3 was my similar to my #3). Can't wait to read more! :)

  5. I'm always amazed by the way people style that Tucker for Target top. When I first saw it come out I thought surely it would be a one-hit wonder. Thanks for proving me wrong again.
    I'm also totally jealous to #3. I don't have acne, I have just the opposite problem. Dry skin. Grr. It's annoying.

    The Auspicious Life

  6. This is such a cute outfit, and way to go for being positive :).

  7. Very chic outfit!!!

  8. I love that blouse! When Tucker for Target launched I went looking for it but they already sold out of my size. I hate having to retire pieces of my wardrobe, especially because ones in need of retiring are usually the most worn and most loved! And don't even get me started on trying to find replacements... sigh.

  9. Thanks! I'm a bit bummed about the shoes, but I have gotten a lot of good wear out of them.
