Thursday, February 17, 2011

15 of 30: Mellow Yellow Revisited


Finally at the half-way mark of the 30 for 30! I'm happy to say that I'm not yet feeling profound levels or 'remix fatigue.'But the second half of the challenge is always harder than the first, so we'll see how long this feeling lasts. As lovely as the warmer weather has been the last few days, I honestly hope the temperatures dip down a bit so I can wear my remaining items which are a turtleneck and a fur sweater vest. Today's temps in the high 60's really rule those items out for now.


 I never tire of wearing the color yellow...

 That's all for now!

Dress: Modcloth
Cardigan: Nordstrom
Belt: ?
Shoes: Target
Necklace: Claire's


  1. I definitely need more yellow.

    I would totally wear a turtleneck and fur sweater vest in the 60's! It doesn't get too much colder than that here so I'd do it. It's going to be 80 this weekend and I didn't pick many warm weather pieces!

  2. love. love. love.
    I am desperate for a yellow cardigan and so jealous of yours, even more jealous because the entire outfit looks amazing.

  3. Ooo I really like this outfit! And congrats on being half way done!

  4. Yellow is a great color, I think most people can find a shade that is super flattering. Wearing yellow instantly cheers me up!

  5. I hope you find a yellow cardigan when the 30 for 30 is over! It's proven to be a versatile piece for me since I purchased it!

  6. I love yellow! I hope you get to wear your fur vest, I really want to see it!
