Wednesday, February 16, 2011

14 of 30: Red Accents

14 of 30

So this is what I ended up wearing on Valentine's Day.  I had planned to wear the red skirt that is one of my 30 for 30 items because it seemed festive, but completely changed my mind when I woke up that morning.  This is why the whole outfit planning thing the night before doesn't really work for me every day.  No matter how carefully I plan an outfit the night before, I usually change my mind by the next day. 



Sorren of Classic Noise was kind enough to give me the stylish and versatile blogger awards recently.  I really appreciate the awards, thanks a bunch Sorren! 

So I'll share 7 facts about myself:

  1. I read 70 something books in 2010... what can I say, I’m a super fast reader and ride public transportation daily. I read books in every genre from biographies to young adult, NYT bestsellers, to award winning literature and to mysteries, to self-help/development, to books by my favorite marketing guru, to chick lit. I didn’t really have a set goal other than writing down each book I finished in it's entirety. I only purchase a small fraction of the books I read and I make good use of my local library. For this reason, I’m wary of purchasing any sort of book reader though I love the look and portability of iPads.
  2. I’ve never had any chemicals in my hair (perms or dye). People assume that I’ve recently ‘gone natural’ because I haven’t had my hair straightened in quite a while but that’s not the case.
  3. As an only child, I went through a phase when I was a quite young where I wanted not only a sibling, but a twin! My poor mother had to explain to me that the whole twin thing was impossible…bummer.
  4. I really suspect sometimes that I am a granny inside a twenty-something body. Now that I’ve discovered that, I’m starting to look forward to birthdays after years of getting morose about them because I feel like I’m getting closer to my ‘true age.’ There's nothing to fear about getting older as long as I can be a fly granny one day : )
  5. I think I am at my funniest when I am not actually trying to be funny.  The jokes and comments I make that get the most chuckles and laughs are usually the one's that I didn't really intend to be funny. But I do enjoy making friends and family laugh with my accidental humor.
  6. I don't listen to local radio stations much anymore. If I weren't around other people that listened to the radio, I could literally go days without listening to anything but songs in my iTunes.  I also don't watch music videos much anymore. I wouldn't know what was going on in the music world if it wasn't for Twitter.
  7. I read the wedding announcements in the New York Times every Sunday : ) 
There you have it friends!  So now, I'll nominate 7 great bloggers: Alterations Needed, The Auspicious LifeDash Dot Dotty, Delayed Missives, My Fashion Epiphany, The Feisty House, and Streets and Stripes

Happy Wednesday!

Dress: Modcloth
Cardigan: Forever 21
Shoes: Target
Jewelry: Target, Amani Ju DC, and Etsy


  1. I'm with you on the whole radio thing. I just hate how they only repeat the same top 40 songs over and over again! I'm much better off listening to my itunes and ipod : )
    Ps - This outfit is adorable for Vday! and Thanks for the award!

  2. I'm the same with radio listening. If it weren't for my younger brother who is a hip DJ in LA I wouldn't know what the kids are listening to these days---and even when I do find out I'm usually a few months behind!
    I wish I read as much as you do---and I'm a Reading Specialist! One of my New Year's goals was to read at least one book per month, and now I feel like that is pathetic!
    And, the print on this dress is adorable!

  3. That dress is utterly amazing on you. I love the fitted waist and the print is so fun and playful!

    I love learning more about you! I think you're definitely going to be the coolest granny around when that day comes. :)

  4. I'm so glad you gave us a closeup of the print on that dress b/c it's FAB. And kudos to you for reading on public transit! I can't do it, I'm too easily distracted by everybody.

  5. I've never received a blog award before and feel like I've passed a milestone or something- thank you!

    I super love this dress because the pattern is so subtle from far away but is really quite vibrant up close! Think we'll be granny bloggers one day?

  6. I used to read the NYT weddings every weekend growing up. I miss that tradition.
    Thanks for the mention. I've posted 7 things before, I'll have to try to think of some more!
    The Auspicious Life
    ps? The close up of the dress shows just how awesome that pattern is!
