Wednesday, January 19, 2011

To infinity and beyond...

outfit full posted 1.19.2011

I don't know how I lived this long without an infinity scarf.

close up outfit posted 1.19.2011

I guess I'm a late adopter of technology and accessory styles. As a person that wears scarves year-round (I get chilly in air conditioning and cold in winter), I like the fact that my small (but mighty) scarf collection goes with a wide array of looks. This particular scarf can be worn for warmth, or as a pop of color in an outfit as I'm wearing it. Maybe I'll use some remaining gift card money that I'm (still) holding on to, to purchase an infinity scarf in another color.


Okay, that's enough about the scarf, Happy Wednesday!

Blazer: Gap
Shirt: Target
Short: Urban Outfitters
Ankle Boots: Forever 21
Infinity Scarf: Mod Cloth
Sunglasses: Target


  1. Love the shorts! And the color of the scarf is a great highlight for the outfit.

  2. Thanks! It's a surprisingly neutral color that goes with a lot of things.

  3. I love the splash of color the scarf gives to this outfit without being distracting. Very elegant!

  4. I just got a couple recently too! I'm totally wearing them all the time :P

  5. I love the look :) definitely a perfect pop of color <3

  6. Eek! I love the color of your scarf! Orange is a very, very under appreciated color. Great look!

  7. Thanks! Orange is a great color and I'm happy it's getting 'attention' on the runways for springtime.
