Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Style Profile: Words and Wardrobes

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For this edition of Shen Style Profiles, Ty of Words and Wardrobes was kind enough to answer a few questions about her style. Ty is a stylish mama with a knack for finding great thrifted treasures. Ty has a love for high heels and pops of color in her outfits; both things I personally love as well! So let's get down to the questions!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start your blog? Describe the inspiration behind the title.

Ty: As cliche as it sounds, my blog started as a solution to my need for a creative outlet. It's my blog so I can write what I want to write, how and when I want to. It's something that's just mine. I chose words & wardrobes as the name of my blog because I like to write and I like clothes--and I like to think that the alliteration makes it easy to remember.

Shen Dove: Where is the strangest place you've taken an outfit photo?

Ty: I have to admit that my locations tend to be pretty uninteresting. I don't think I've strayed too far from my usual spot, which is somewhere in front of my parents' house. I see a lot of cool spots though and I definitely plan to change up locations because I think it can make my photos a little more interesting.

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Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? Is it influenced by your career/job?

Ty: I think my style is influenced by my loathing for only being able to wear clothes at certain times of year or only being able to wear them to certain places, so I really try to buy things that I can wear year-round and that I can wear for different occasions--work, church, my son's school functions. I like things that an be remixed and worn in different ways so I can get a lot of wear out of them.

Shen Dove: How does the city/town/burb you live in influence your style?

Ty: I wouldn't say that my style is influenced by the city that I live in (Dallas), but more so the weather of the city that I live in. It can change in the blink of an eye so I always have to keep track of the weather.

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Shen Dove: What are you go-to items this season?

Ty: Definitely faux leather jackets that can be thrown over pretty much anything, leopard everything, printed skirts, and long-sleeved tees that can be layered underneath sweaters and dresses.

Shen Dove: What are your regular reads (blogs, magazines, books), are they fashion-related or related to other topics?

Ty: I'm definitely a fiend for fashion magazines and I read them every month. I also like inspirational books, but my all-time favorite book is called The Coldest Winter Ever. I can read that book over and over and over again. Actually, I have read it over and over and over again.

Shen Dove: I've actually read The Coldest Weather Ever too, it's quite compelling! Please name a film, song or piece of artwork that embodies your current personal style.

Ty: I think my style is constantly evolving, so it's hard to find something that reflects that, but I sometimes feel like I can relate to Anne Hathaway's character Andy in The Devil Wears Prada. Andy's style was very plain and simple, but once she learned a bit about fashion, her style evolved. I think some of the outfits from some of my earlier posts were very safe, but after a while, I began experimenting, taking risks, and trying trends.

Shen Dove: Name a place you'd like to travel if money was not an option and describe a style/look you'd want to wear on your trip?

Ty: I would like to travel to Paris and I would wear the outfit from my 'feeling beret-ed (and bespectacled)' post. I thought that outfit was sort of 'Parisian chic.'

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Shen Dove: Looking your best doesn't necessarily mean spending your entire paycheck, do you have any tips for shopping on a budget?

Ty: I shop at thrift stores and manage to find tons of name brand (and designer brand) clothes on the cheap. Also, I also make alterations to some of clothes--shortening the hem on a long skirt, changing the buttons on a cardigan, adding lace detail to a dress. They're minor changes that can make a major difference.

Shen Dove: Do you have any personal style rules you live by? If so, what are they?

Ty: I really try to wear what works for my body and I definitely look (and find) inspiration EVERYWHERE. Also, as I stated before, I like to buy clothing that can be remixed and worn in different ways.

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Shen Dove: Thanks for the interview Ty!

So be sure to check out Words and Wardrobes if you aren't already!

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