Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Holiday Wish List

I'm not asking for any gifts this year, because to be honest, I truly don't have anything I really 'need.' But I do have a lengthy list of 'would like' items and since I'm a visual person, here is a visual representation of my holiday wish list.

Holiday Wish List 2010

1. Spiegel Cape Style Jacket
2. Brown Skin Lady Tee
3. Decoded by Jay-Z
4. Mango Tweed Wool Shorts
5. Nakumuli African Printed Bangles
6. Rachel Stewart Wood Afro Pic Earrings
7. Apple iPod Classic
8. Asos Suede Ankle Strap Wedges
9. Modcloth Softened Up Skirt
10. Chanel Le Vernis Gold Lame Nail Polish
11. Rosetta Stone - French Edition

What's on your wish list this holiday season?


  1. oooh I love that cape!!! Have you tried it on?

  2. Wow that cape is awesome! And I would so love Rosetta Stone, maybe I'll keep that in mind for next year!

  3. @Curls-and-pearls Haven't tried on the cape, but it looks awesome!

    @Alex Elizabeth I definitely see Rosetta Stone in my future, even if not in time for Christmas.
