Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Daily Practices for 2011

I decided not to make New Year's Resolutions for 2011, but I do plan to write an intentional to letter to myself for the year à la Jess from Make Under My Life. Outside of my intentional letter, I plan to implement small daily practices into my daily routine. I am a creature of habit at heart, so I don't think I'll have too much trouble.

  1. Take a picture (outside of outfit shots) every day for Project 365. I didn't get around to doing this last year, but I've decided to give Project 365 a go starting on Jan 1st. I want to improve my photography skills, document my year and make a practice of 'creating' something on a daily basis to stretch my creativity. I'm not sure where the idea of taking a picture a day for a year came from, but I think it's a great one!

  2. Daily affirmations. (Read them, write them, say them out loud). I make it a point to write down my thoughts and goals sporadically, but I'd really like to start writing my affirmations on a daily basis as I've done in the past. This practice really helps me to stay focused on my goals on a daily basis and visualize myself accomplishing them.

  3. Play my weekly 'theme song' daily. On Sundays, I'll pick a song to be my themesong. The only requirement for the song is that there be something affirmative and positive about it. Btw, I am always open to music suggestions!

  4. Express gratitude for my blessings daily (in written form or verbally). I have so much to be thankful for, and it's high time I reflect on my blessings regularly.

What daily practices do you plan to implement in 2011?


  1. Whole year resolutions are too daunting for me and I never follow through! I'm going to concentrate on my fitness one month at a time. I'm starting in January with running or walking 100 miles in 1 month! And I'd love company - so if you are anyone you know is interested, visit here for more deets:

  2. I love this post and I do most of these things, especially the theme song and practicing daily gratitude. I call it my "Attitude of Gratitude." Very inspiring post and thanks for the comment btw
