Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Look Back: Shen Dove a Year Ago

My outfits for the last few days haven't really been very photograph-worthy, so instead of posting them, I looked in my photos to see what I wore a year ago. At this point last year, I hadn't yet started this blog, but was posting my outfit photos on Flickr and Weardrobe. I've added a few items to my closet since last year, but my style hasn't really changed much in the last year, or the last few years for that matter. All of the items I'm wearing in the picture above are still in rotation in my wardrobe. Now that I think about it, I think I'm due for a 'style shift', get out of my 'style comfort zone' a little. I'll have to ponder on that.

Well, that's all for now! I really must get back to studying for an upcoming mid-term...

Sweater: Old Navy
Shirt: The Loft
Skirt: H&M
Shoes: Payless
Belt: H&M

Song currently on repeat: "Power" by Kanye West


  1. I love this outfit! So bright and cheery.

    What I would do to mix it up a little is wear a cardi in a different color that plays off of the yellow, maybe a pink or purple.

  2. @Melissa Good idea! I'll try to switch up the color next time : )

  3. Beautiful. I love the yellow cardigan!!!
