Monday, September 13, 2010

DC's Fashion Night Out-fit

On Friday I made a brief visit to Georgetown DC's Fashion Night Out. I didn't stay all that long, mainly because I'm pooling my money toward savings these days (and not shopping) and I had a midterm on Saturday I wasn't finish preparing for. DC isn't usually though of as a fashionable city, so I was happy to see that there was an event like this in the city. I kept my outfit simple and wore jeans. I really do wear jeans more than it would appear that I do on this blog, I just don't always manage to get picture evidence when I do wear them.

I didn't actually buy anything at DC Fashion Night Out, but I came pretty close to purchasing a dress in the Bestsey Johnson store. I'll spare you the blurry iPhone photos of myself trying on the dress; just take my word for it, that it was awesome. I have to go to a formal event in the fall and I tried on a gold strapless dress that fit like a dream and wouldn't need any alteration which is rare for me because I am a shortie. I put it on hold for 24 hours and managed to talk myself out of purchasing it because it would have put me over my shopping budget for the month. But I'm feeling a little regretful about it. Have you ever felt regretful about not purchasing an item? I'm very familiar with that feeling, not sure if it's a Pisces thing or just a Shen Dove thing. Oh well...if it was meant to be, I'll see the dress again, or something better.

Blazer: Gap
Jeans: Urban Outfitters
Sequined Tank: Charlotte Russe
Bracelet: gifted from Nigeria
Earrings: H&M
Shoes: Nine West via Zappos


  1. Hi Chica,

    It was nice meeting you as well @ the event, I loved your 'Ladylike with a splash of sophistication' style:)ps. and those heather grey tights ;), I am so glad you wrote me because I wanted to add your link to your photo on my blog:, Keep in touch and btw you have fantastic blog clean& chic!



  2. Good for you for putting it on hold to think about it! I really think that if you liked it that much, it could be a great addition to your wardrobe. Especially if you can think of a few different ways to style it so that you can wear it to more than one event. Is it possible to add a blazer and wear it to work, or add a cardigan and flats on a Saturday afternoon? Those are the things I think about. I hate regretting not buying something and then I end up not being able to find anything as good.

  3. @beenalabella Thanks! It was nice to meet you too!

    @Melissa Good point! I have to work on not second-guessing myself with purchases because I usually end up regretting it later when I do.

  4. Hi Chica,

    It was nice meeting you as well @ the event, I loved your 'Ladylike with a splash of sophistication' style:)ps. and those heather grey tights ;), I am so glad you wrote me because I wanted to add your link to your photo on my blog:, Keep in touch and btw you have fantastic blog clean& chic!


