Saturday, August 14, 2010

30 for 30 Finale: Days 28, 29 and 30!

I made it to the end of the challenge! I actually finished the 30 for 30 earlier this week but life got in the way a bit and I just had the opportunity to post my pictures. This was actually a fun challenge that wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I learned the following things during this challenge:

  1. I did get a little tired of having a limited variety of clothing, but it made me look at the clothing I already own in a different way. It's not always necessary to go out and buy a new item when trying to put together an outfit, taking a second look at an item and wearing it in a different way (like inside out) can create a new look. I definitely plan to challenge myself to remix new and older items more in the future.
  2. I really didn't miss shopping because most stores are now carrying fall items now and to be honest, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that the summer is almost over and fall is right around the corner.
  3. My family, friends and coworkers really don't care what I wear and didn't notice the repetitive nature of my outfits over the past several weeks.
  4. I'm happy to now be able to make it a whole week without having to wash a clothing item because I absolutely have to wear a certain item the next day or my planned outfit won't work.
  5. I can consistently photograph my outfits everyday instead of a few times a week! But this will get trickier when the weather gets cold and I'm forced indoors.

An added benefit of participating in this challenge was discovering some great style blogs through Kendi's list of 30 for 30 participants. I appreciate the lovely comments that many of you have had during the challenge! Now I have to re-teach myself how to dress with more than 30 items...

30 for 30 Banner


  1. You've done a great job with the challenge! Your remixing has been very inspiring, I've loved all of your outfits. These three are so great!

  2. Congratulations for finishing! I'm right behind ya!

  3. Congrats! All you ladies are so inspiring for being able to do this.

    You should treat yourself with a new purchase ;)

  4. I've really enjoyed watching you go through the 30 30 challenge. I think you did it very well!

  5. @Melissa, @laniza, @curls-and-pearls, @Chaucee Thanks for the comments! I didn't realize it could be so much fun putting outfits together without shopping!

  6. I know how you feel about dressing outsde of your 30. I feel like I have to force myself to wear different clothes! It's almost like I'm re-introducing myself into my wardrobe.

  7. @Melissa, @laniza, @curls-and-pearls, @Chaucee Thanks for the comments! I didn't realize it could be so much fun putting outfits together without shopping!

  8. Congratulations for finishing! I'm right behind ya!
