Monday, August 9, 2010

30 for 30: Day 27

I was really at a loss for what to wear this morning despite my limitations because of the 30 for 30. I really do love this skirt, it's such a cheery shade of red but I'm getting a little 'remix fatigue.' I feel like I've exhausted all of my 'exciting' remix options, so now I'm just trying to make it until the final day of the challenge. But I see a light at the end of the tunnel and that's reason enough for me to be happy! I can't believe I've taken outfit photos every day for the past 27 days! Before the 30 for 30 challenge, I was averaging about 2-3 outfit photos a week and maybe even less if I got busy with other things. While I've enjoyed the routine, I'll be happy to ease up a bit and not photograph/post outfits every single day. My wardrobe isn't as big as you would think and you can only do but so much remixing!

Here's to a positive, productive week and making it all of the way through my massive to-do list!

30 for 30 Banner


  1. This top is adorable. The polka dots + the peter pan collar is just perfect!
    Honestly I'm glad you're posting every day because I love your style, but I understand about not wanting to post every day : )

  2. @Chaucee Thanks@ What a nice complement!

  3. I love your style too...I've been following some of the other remixers and must say you are one of my favorites :)
