Saturday, July 17, 2010

30 for 30: Day 4

I like hats, but rarely remember to wear them, unless it's cold or raining outside. I decided to break out my straw fedora today to add another "accessory" to a rather simple outfit. I admittedly did not wear the hat the entire day.

To get a respite from the heat today, I saw Inception, which I thought was very good by the way. I won't give away the plot for those who plan to see it, but it definitely makes you think of your dreams and thoughts in a different way. It has plenty of action as well for those that like that sort of thing and impressive 'effects' that are reminiscent of the Matrix in some moments. I also thought the movie score was pretty good, does anyone else pay attention to the music in films? In my opinion, the music can evoke emotion just as much as the actors in certain films. The next time you watch a movie, just imagine it without any music to help move the plot along or evoke a certain emotion; some of your favorite movies wouldn't have the same appeal, would they?

Well that's enough talk about films and music... happy Saturday!

Tank: Target
Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Target
Necklace: Forever 21
Bracelets: H&M

Song currently on repeat: 'How I Got Over' by The Roots

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1 comment:

  1. Lovely outfit! I love the combination of colors from your necklace and skirt!

    <3 Kelly
