Friday, July 16, 2010

30 for 30: Day 3

I wish I was creative enough to come up with cool titles to correspond with the number of the outfit I'm wearing like some of the other 30 for 30 participants, but I'm literally drawing a blank for song titles, movies and pop culture references with numbers...oh well. I can happily report that I didn't run into anyone with the same clothing items that I have on today, though I am wearing an H&M-purchased skirt for the second day in a row. That store must have a magnetic-field around it, I can't manage to walk by it without going in to "window shop." "Window shopping" usually translates into at least one purchase which means I'm staying far away from H&M and any other store I usually frequent until the 30 for 30 shopping hiatus is over.

I'm so happy it's Friday, I really love the weekends! The only possible thing that could make my weekend better is if I could spend at least part of it at a beach relaxing. I'm going to have to make that happen sometime soon.

Denim shirt: Forever 21
Skirt: H&M
Shoes: Target
Faux glasses: Urban Outfitters
Belt: Nordstrom's (Junior's section)

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