Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just Peachy

I finally saw the film, Coco Before Chanel yesterday and it was good. If you like period pieces and biopics, you'd enjoy it. I purposely didn't read any reviews about the movie because I wanted to form my own opinion. I thought the costuming was great and Audrey Tautou was a very convincing Coco, but the pace was a bit slow. I look forward to being able to watch French movies without subtitles when I start learning French because I feel like I get so caught up with keeping up with dialogue that I miss nuances of the movie.

I was surprised to find out after reading about the movie today that Coco's love interest in the film (Alessandro Nivola) learned French for the role and is actually American. One of my goals is to become fluent in French as soon as I have time to dedicate to seriously studying the language.

I think I may also look in my closet to put together a look inspired by Coco's style. The singer, Janelle Monae's style is very reminiscent of Coco's personal style in that Janelle Monae also sticks to a black and white palette and wears menswear inspired pieces. I do wear a lot of black and white, but I really love color and on many days, the color I'm wearing can be directly correlated to my mood (darker = happier; colorful = effort to boost my mood). Anyone else notice a pattern in their color selection for clothing?

The outfit above was worn yesterday and was an effort to remix a skirt that I don't normally wear in warmer weather. This is how I've worn it previously. I really must venture out to other spots for my photos to change up the usual brick background though I do like it. Sometimes, a little change is good.

Top: H&M
Skirt: Target
Shoes: Nine West via Zappos


  1. That blouse is lovely, the colour is devine!
    I only just watched the movie recently too and loved it.

  2. Thanks and Coco Before Chanel was indeed a very good movie!
