Monday, April 5, 2010

The City is in Bloom

The weekend was lovely, but it went by way too fast: I had good food, saw an entertaining movie and window shopped a lot. Today was also such a gorgeous day! All of the pretty trees and flowers are in bloom in D.C. and while my seasonal allergies may not appreciate the abundance of pretty blooms, my eyes sure do!

I have to make an admission about this outfit: it was quite warm in my office today, the air conditioning in my office didn't seem to be working, so I didn't actually wear my blazer during most of the work day. But I'm trying to get as much wear as possible out of all of my blazers and jackets before it really warms up.

On another note, my personal financial goal for the week is to spend as little money as possible, which means, no lunch time shopping excursions...I have to start saving up for a shopping trip to NYC I'm taking later this month. If I can find one thing off of my growing spring wish list on that trip, I'll be a happy girl!

Blazer: H&M
Dress: Urban Outfitters
Jewelry: Forever 21 and H&M
Shoes: Payless

Song currently on repeat: 'Bad Habits' by Maxwell


  1. A conservative woman of who does not fancy jeans nor sneakers. Neither does she seek to impress with the most elegant of dresses nor the most revealing of "slips". That's to be admired in today's time and age. An old-fashioned woman I presume. One deserving of the hat I tip to the computer screen.

  2. A conservative woman of who does not fancy jeans nor sneakers. Neither does she seek to impress with the most elegant of dresses nor the most revealing of "slips". That's to be admired in today's time and age. An old-fashioned woman I presume. One deserving of the hat I tip to the computer screen.
