Friday, September 20, 2013

Links of the Week: September 20th

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Happy Friday!  Here is some reading material to keep you occupied during the last weekend of summer.

Why working hard can be good for you.

How to make vintage clothing work for you.

Follow these tips to avoid jet lag on your next trip.

Massai beadwork inspiration.
A bunch of articles on introverts and extroverts in the work place.  I guess this is officially a 'trendy' topic.

The habits of supremely happy people.

If Cher from Clueless had Instagram.

An interview of one of my favorite writers. 

Have a fantastic weekend!



  1. On the extrovert/introvert thing, I'd recommend watching Susan Cain's TED talk "The power of introverts" and reading her book "Quiet".

    The Power Of Introverts

    Love this stuff as it's linked to my day job in learning and development. :)

    Jess xx

  2. If you can make simple alterations to clothes on your own, then you can really enjoy vintage thrifting. Of course, when you buy something and say "this would be so cute if I hemmed it and changed the sleeves!" You actually have to follow through with this and not let it sit for a year before you get around to it

  3. The introvert/extrovert links really resonated with this here introvert. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks for sharing the TED talk!
