Friday, July 19, 2013

Links of the Week: July 19th

 Happy Friday!  Here is some reading material to keep you occupied this weekend.

How to be stylish on a budget.

I currently love these heels because they would go so much of my summer wardrobe.

I found it interesting to read about how these bloggers got their book deal.

Once the heat wave breaks and I can stand to turn on my oven, I'll try this recipe.

3 easy meditation for beginners.

What if (making) money was easy?
Startup culture's lack of diversity stifles innovation.  Also check out the cool organization mentioned in the article: Black Girls Code.

If you have the itch to teach your skills to others, check out these 6 steps for launching an e-course.

I may pack this snack for lunch next week.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! I am trying so much harder to have productive mornings, but I must say, it's a challenge! I mean, I got up at 8 this morning, but it's almost 11 and I am still not dressed, and have only had coffee thus far.
